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Bringing Learning To Life

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Our Incredible Animal Team

Our animals are first and foremost all loving companion animals that have the highest standards of welfare. They are all owned by either Ben or Puri and reside with us in our homes. We will only use certain species of animals that not only can cope with being part of the interactive experience, but also actually enjoy it. Some animals thrive on social structures and stable environments, and as such it would be unfair to use such animals in these experiences and therefore we don't.

As we are both professional zoo keepers we strive to stick to the high standards we have been taught and use similar animals that are used in interactive experiences in all creditable zoos.

If you are looking for raccoons, coatis or any other species that is classified as an invasive species by our government, then we are not the company for you as this is classed as an illegal act as stated on the UK Government official website. However if you are looking for well adjusted animals that are part of a team that enjoy inspiring and teaching people, then look no further as Exotic Explorers is for you.

All our animals are registered with Dr William Lewis BVSc CertZooMed MRCVS at Apollo Vets in Black Notley.

Please note, not all of our animals are suitable for all types of experiences. Please let us know your preferred animals and if, for any reason they are not available, we can guide you to a suitable similar option.

1 Kensington Road
Pilgrim's Hatch
CM15 9LG

Ben: 07877 701461
Puri: 07561 074340
Email: info@exoticexplorers.co.uk

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